You too would you like to participate?

Our company is a leading company operating in the production and sale of all packaging types. Our human resources team aims to work with talented and dynamic candidates who will contribute to our business.

Our form will be an important source of information for us during the application process. Please fill out this form completely.

What matters to us is the suitability and potential of the candidates for our job. Among the factors we pay attention to during the application process are personal characteristics such as communication skills, teamwork ability, work discipline, problem solving ability and capacity to take initiative.

We recommend that you check the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the information in your form. This information will play an important role in the first impression we will form about you during the application process.

If you would like to stay in touch with us during the review of your application, please provide your phone number and e-mail address on your form. We will get back to you as soon as possible about the result of your application.

Thank you for your interest and application.